Blue Dream Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) are just like the popular Red Cherry Shrimp, however they have a vibrant blue color. These shrimp are very prolific and are raised in tap water, so you don’t have to worry about them being fragile. Neocaridina shrimp are great clean up crew for your aquarium as they clean up some types of algae and left over food and waste. Neocaridina are one of the easiest to care for species of shrimp and they breed extremely fast. Wild Neocaridina shrimp are a brown/green color, but through careful selective breeding we have amazing colors such as the blue dream. These shrimp are originally from Taiwan where they live in heavily planted bodies of water and enjoy sandy or rocky substrate. The Neocaridina shrimp we sell will be 1/2-3/4 inches in length and ready to start breeding.